Sunday, December 6, 2009

We had about 6 inches of snow yesterday. It started about 12:00 Pm and snowed until 10:00 PM. It was a satisfying snow: heavy, blanketing everything. The top of of our mountain is beaufitul. Marty hung bird feeders outside my office windows and I set up a tripod so I can get quick pics of the bird.
Fortunately, the driveway melted enough that I could so sing this afternoon in Lancaster. I've been winded, tired and have had a dry mouth, so I didn't know how it would go. We were a small group, but I though we sounded just great.
I have a couple of visits tomorrow to which I am looking forward.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Lilly and Priscilla were starting to get a little cranky. It was time for everyone to eat lunch and take a nap. Fortunately, getting off the train, navigating the platform, escalators and turnstiles distracted everyone from grumpiness. While they were discussing the merits of taking a cab, bus or walking the rest of the way, a cab pulled up and solved the dilemma. As they all piled in the with the bags, Lily piped up:

Mami,Today we rode on the bus and an airplane and moving sidewalks and a train and a eslator and a taxi.

Lucy laughed and asked," is there anything you didn't ride?

She wrinkled her brow and pondered. A boat? a donkey? a bike?
Lucy laughed and thought of their transportation book which they read over and over. She was surprised that Lily had left out the howdah and the rickshaw.

Priscilla was growing heavy in Lucy's lap and she hoped it wasn't far. Lunch before a nap would pay off later on. As she was attempting to distract her with what going by the windows, the cab pulled over and they reversed the process:unloading kids, suitcases, and backpacks. As Lucy set 'cilla on the ground,'cilla hugged Lucy's leg,arched her back and whined "llevame mami". Discretion being the better part of valor, Lucy quickly decided this wasn't a battle worth fighting, and picked her up. However, as they reached the second floor, Lucy was winded and had to set her down. cilla. I am so tired. Would you like to have Uncle Phil carry you or would you like to walk?
She thought about it and said "Aunt Tracy carry me". Tracy laughed and reached her arms out.
Lucy sighed and shook her head. Would this child ever get easier? She handed her to Tracy and took Lily's hand to divert her from getting upset from abdicating Tracy to Pricilla. .
She said in Spanish. "Mami is so tired. Will you help me up the steps?" A brief shadow crossed her eyes as she realized she was being manipulated, but she answered "Come Mami. I will help you." Lucy sighed and shook her head again. Would this sweet child always be deferring, always trying to please? And, was she going to foster it? She'd talk to her mom about it later. She still had another flight of stairs to conquer.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

On the train

Lucy shot Phil a sharp sideways look, marveling that he still harbored feeling of sibling rivalry for his older brother.
Aren't you a little old for this Phil?

You're right. I'm sorry Luce. I just felt so bad for you, all alone at the luggage carousel, pregnant, with the little girls. He always puts his own agenda ahead of everyone elses.

But Phil, his agenda is serving God. That has to be first.

Phil's face hardened as he said:
God gave him a lovely little family to take care of, that should be his first priority.

Well, you are half right about that. That's why I've come home. It's time for the girls to live in the states. I want to make sure they learn English properly. I want them to know their family

Phil gave Lucy a hug and they both sat with their thoughts for a moment. She glanced over at Pricilla and the other one busily coloring and chatting with Tracy. She noticed alot of folks talking on their cell phones.
Phil does everyone have a cell phone now? Everyone is talking on their phones.

Just about. Do you want to use mine?

Acutally I would. Could I call my Mom? Let me look for her number.

It's programed into my phone. Let me show you. Here push this button until you find Rose.

Phil, I'm feeling a little faint from culture shock.

Phil laughed one of his particularly comforting laughs and dialed the phone for her. Lucy took a deep breath and tried to relax. When was the last time she had heard her mother's voice?

Her mother answered. "hello Phil"

It's not Phil, Mum, it's me Lucy! She choked a little hearing her mother's voice.

Her mom screamed Lucy! Where are you?

I'm on the train, heading to Phil and Tracy's house. How are you?

I'm great now that I hear your voice. I have a surprise for you.

I don't know how many more surprises I can take in one day. What is it?

when i heard you were coming came to Chicago I drove in and I'm waiting at Phil's house.

I can believe it. You are here? You drove from Pennsylvania?
Lucy wept a little, anticipating her mother's arms around her, the smell of her hair, a little lacquered with hairspray.

Rose's voice was garbled, Lucy frowned and mouthed to Phil, "I can't hear." Phil took the phone and said
"Rose we are going underground. We will see you when we get there."

They submerged underground. The girls startled.
"It's just like a tunnel girls. Guess what? Grandma Rose is waiting for us at Phil and Tracey's house. We are going to see Grandma."
Yeah! !they shouted, even though they hadn't seen Rose since Pricilla was born.

The rest of the ride went quickly as they gathered up their things and prepared to disembark.
"Next stop is Lincoln Square. Doors open on the right at Lincoln Square." Said the CTA guy, whose voice had become familiar after hearing it for so many stops.

As she stepped out on the platform Lucy had a feeling of destiny: of a new world opeing up to her.